by Jennifer Grant – Church Publishing, Inc.

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In this beautiful book for children, a child tells her story of losing a beloved neighbor and friend.
A young girl remembers playing with her neighbor’s cat, stories that her neighbor told her, and the special mementos her friend kept on a shelf above her kitchen sink, including a little blue bottle she kept to remind her of Psalm 56:8: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” A Little Blue Bottle doesn’t provide pat answers or heavy-handed messages about life or death, but allows the grieving child to articulate her loss and her love for the deceased friend, while wondering how God is near when we suffer.
A gentle and insightful resource for children who are grieving, and for those who care for them.
A powerful, beautifully poignant story . . . a must-have for all libraries, all therapists, and all families dealing with grief, past and present. –Joy Jordan-Lake, PhD, author of the picture book A Crazy-Much Love and the bestselling novel A Tangled Mercy
A Little Blue Bottle is a gift to all of us who have lost people we love, a gentle and hopeful reminder that God is not only present in our sadness but actively involved. Jennifer Grant’s story along with Gillian Whiting’s vivid illustrations are lovely in every way. This is an important book, one that encourages us to grieve, to talk about our feelings, and to remember that we are never alone. –Matthew Paul Turner, author of When God Made You and When God Made the World
Grant’s impeccable storytelling and Whiting s lush illustrations make for a transformative and deeply human journey. –Roger Hutchison, Director of Christian Formation and Parish Life, Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas, and author of The Very Best Day and Jesus: God Among Us