Cheryl L. Price, Ph.D., served as Vice President of Editorial and currently serves as Vice President of Teacher Training and Educational Resources Urban Ministries, Inc. (UMI). Dr. Price has served as Minister of Christian Education at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Washington, D. C., Assistant Pastor and Minister of Christian Education at Mount Zion Baptist Church, Seattle, Washington, and presently volunteers in the Children’s Ministry, Justice Ministry, P.A.D.S. (homeless ministry), at New Faith Baptist Church in Matteson, Illinois. A native of Washington, D. C., she received her academic training at the American University in Washington, D.C., and received a B. A. in Early childhood, Elementary Education, with a concentration in Special Education; the Colgate Rochester Crozer School of Divinity, with a Master of Divinity, the School of Theology at Claremont, Claremont, California, and the DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, an Integrated Marketing Certificate.


Dr. Price is an ordained minister, instructor, and Christian Education workshop developer and presenter. She has taught at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL and Howard University School of Divinity, Washington, D.C. Dr. Price is the author/co-editor of several books and articles, including Peace in the Midst of a Storm (from Sister to Sister); A Small Still Voice—A Faithful Remnant (from The African American Study Bible); The Contributions of Black Women to Religious Education from Precepts for Living; The Black Church Project: American Association for the Advancement of Science; Family Ties—Restoring Unity in the African American Family; Encountering Jesus; Searching for Truth; Living in the Excellence of Jesus; With These Hands; The Family; and Tell It! Shout It!: Witnessing for Jesus; Jesus’ Wireless connection…Faith, Hope, and Love; Truth, Justice, and Power…The Jesus Way. Additionally, Over the years, Dr. Price and her children have created a “Safe House” where children and teens visit or live and in an extended family environment. Dr. Price enjoys sharing the love of Jesus through education, preaching, teaching, and justice.