As the author of over twenty books for children. Glenys offers editorial and consultation services to children’s writers. These include:
- Editing your manuscript through all the necessary stages: developmental, copy, line, and proofreading, to ensure that your work is the absolute best it can be.
- Editing your proposal.
- Consultation services regarding next steps to publication, advice on query letters, submissions procedures, and who to approach.
- Rhyming manuscripts are her specialty. Glenys can help perfect your rhythm, rhyme, and meter so that your manuscript is excellent.
Glenys will read your manuscript first, free of charge, to see if it is something she can work with. She is fast, fair, and efficient and offers a three-tier level of service.
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Glenys Nellist was born and raised in a little village in northern England. The author of multiple children’s books, including the bestselling ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas, The Wonder That is You, and the popular series “Love Letters from God” and “Snuggle Time”, her writing reflects a deep passion for helping children discover joy in the world. Glenys lives in Michigan with her husband, David.
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