Elizabeth Hagan knows how to dive head first into unmarked trails of ministry and life. Currently, she is the senior minister of First Christian Church, Athens, GA, the first post held by a woman in the church’s 146 year history. Elizabeth was also the first pastor to wrestle in print with her own experiences of infertility in her first book “Birthed: Finding Grace Through Infertility,” and she is first author at Upper Room books to publish on any of the “difficult topics” discussed in her second book, “Brave Church: Tackling Tough Topics Together” like racism and sexuality. She believes going where no one yet has gone can be a beautiful experience of giving hope to the hurting. You can find her words on the web at Christian Century, Patheos, and the Young Clergy Women’s Journal, Fidelia’s Sisters. She has contributed to four other books: “This is What a Preacher Looks Like,” “The Modern Magnificat,” “There’s a Woman in the Pulpit” and forthcoming: “Fostering Hope: A Prayerbook for Foster and Adoptive Families.”