Jennifer Grant is an author, speaker, and editor in the Chicago area. A graduate of Southern Methodist University (MA, English/Creative Writing) and Wheaton College (BA, Interdisciplinary Studies), Grant is the author of five works of nonfiction and three books for children. Her most recent releases are the memoir When Did Everybody Else Get So Old? Indignities, Compromises, and the Unexpected Grace of Midlife and Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too. Her picture book on grief, A Little Blue Bottle, releases in August 2020. For more than a dozen years, she wrote feature stories, restaurant profiles, and health and family life columns for newspapers in the Sun-Times Media newsgroup and for the Chicago Tribune. She divides her work week between editorial consulting (developmental editing, ghostwriting, proposal writing) and creative work. Jennifer has presented several times at Calvin University’s Festival of Faith and Writing and is a member of INK: A Creative Collective. A lifelong Episcopalian, she lives with her husband, rescue dog Scarlett, and whichever of her four grown and nearly grown children are in the nest.
Website: jennifergrant.com
Twitter: @jennifercgrant
Facebook: WriterJenniferGrant