Because, he says, “God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things,” Kevin Wayne Johnson has taken up the task of developing individual and organizational operating excellence as his life’s ministry. He coaches in order to coax audiences to live out their gifts, and in the words of his national best-selling book series, to then “Give God the Glory!” This book series has earned the current radio and television host some 19 literary awards, since 2001. Gayle King, an editor-at-large for O, The Oprah Magazine, praised his work, writing to him that “Your book, Kevin, touched me.”
Johnson provides organizations, and the people who work within them, with the tools to forge effective personal and interpersonal communication. He delivers training on the elements of dynamic relationships, to equip teams with the attitudes and attributes needed to develop individuals into leaders. He does so through motivating workshops, seminars, insightful keynote speeches and compassionate coaching – all to encourage personal and professional growth.
Johnson is the Founder, Chief Visionary and CEO of The Johnson Leadership Group, LLC, and an Independent certified coach, teacher and speaker with the nationally recognized John Maxwell Team, where he leads learning experiences that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the audience to help maximize efficiency, growth, awareness and effectiveness. He invites those in the audience to “Put Your Dream to the Test” and provides them with a step-by-step action plan for making those dreams come true. This essential exposure to personal development techniques includes guided study and the practical application of John Maxwell’s proven leadership methods, that include ”Leadership Gold,” “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0,” “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth,” “Becoming A Person of Influence,” “How to be A R-E-A-L Success,” and “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect.”
Johnson enjoyed a 34-year career (retired) in government and private industry as a middle-to-senior level leader. He has managed workforce development, training, organizational change, acquisition/procurement, customer service, client relationships, security, records management, property administration, facilities and human resources as CHIEF of STAFF, Department of Defense, Fort Meade, MD. He was a key leader on the National Performance Review for Procurement and Customer Service Reform, under the Clinton Administration from 1993-1996, and has testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Small Business Committee on Procurement Reform.
A native of Richmond, Virginia, Johnson earned a B.S. in Business Administration and Management/Economics/Finance from Virginia Commonwealth University and completed course work towards an MBA at Marymount University and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
He is an ordained Church of God minister that has served in multiple leadership positions at the local, regional, national and international levels over the past 20 years. He lives in Clarksville, Maryland with his wife of 25 years, Gail, and three sons, Kevin, Christopher, and Cameron, ages 23, 22 and 21, respectively.
Websites: www.KevinWayneJohnson.com and www.thejohnsonleadershipgroup.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/writingforthelord/
Twitter: @Writing4theLord