Michele McAvoy is a children’s book publisher, inspirational speaker, & award-winning children’s book author from New Jersey. As a child, she read Judy Blume and drew Garfield comics. For her 10th birthday, she asked for a pink typewriter. Michele believes in the power of books both for children and the creatives who make them. Her publishing company, The Little Press, publishes picture books through middle-grade with three imprints, Blue Bronco Books, Jr. (chapter & early readers), Blue Bronco Books (middle-grade), and Bless This Press (Christian). Michele’s own published titles include Buckingham Gets a New Shell, Cookie & Milk, The Gorilla Picked Me!, and My Superhero Grandpa. Michele is also the creator & host of the popular kidlit podcast My Messy Muse, available on all podcast apps. The My Messy Muse podcast and it’s Facebook Community (www.facebook.com/groups/mymessymuse) is to inspire kidlit creatives to create through the messiness of life, because life is messy for most of us. You can sign up for her newsletter here: www.littlepresspublishing.com/freebies. You can find out more about Michele, her publishing company, and her podcast here:
Twitter @michele_mcavoy and @little_press
Instagram: @michelemcavoy and @bluebroncobooks