REBECA SEITZ is the Executive Director of Marketing and Content Development for Chalice Media Group (chalicemedia.org). She has worked in the publishing, film, television, and podcast areas for twenty years, enjoying client relationships with Tyndale, Zondervan, Waterbrook-Multnomah, David C Cook, Charisma, NavPress, Barbour Books, Baker Books, Howard/Simon & Schuster, Hachette Books, Moody Publishing, Guideposts Books, AMG Publishers, B&H Publishing, Worthy Books, and others. While she is most comfortable arranging appearances for other producers of good content, Seitz has been interviewed or featured on NPR, CNN, Huffington Post Live, The Glenn Beck Show, The Washington Times, FOX News, Townhall.com, and others regarding responsible use of the power of media. Seitz began her career in the entertainment industries as the first dedicated publicist for the fiction division of Thomas Nelson Publishers, now a division of HarperCollins Publishers.