Welcome to Second Tuesdays! This free online discussion series features writers who have a heart for helping other writers. Each session includes an open, informal discussion on a different topic. Everyone is welcome to participate!
When: The next online gathering will be Tuesday, January 14 at 8pm EST / 5pm PST on Zoom.
What: The topic is different each month. In January, we are hosting an Open Mic Night. Everyone is welcome! You can sign-up to read your work here.
Please note: You do not need to read your work to participate; there will be opportunities to dialogue and give feedback to speakers in a safe and supportive environment.
September 2021: “Connecting With Your Audience Before You Write Your Book” with Sharon Norris Elliott
June 2021: “Writing Flash Fiction” featuring Xochitl Dixon
May 2021: “What the Ancient Stoics Have Taught Me About Being a Writer–And What They Can Teach You Too.” with Lori Erickson
April 2021: “What Is a Writing Coach and Should I Invest in One?” with Erin Healy
March 2021: “The Art of Interviewing” with Philip Yancey
February 2021: “The Challenges of Writing into Reality and Division” with Diana Butler Bass
January 2021: “2020 is over; time for a new start” with Lyn Cryderman
December 2020: “ending the year well” with Brent Bill
November 2020: “writing during a chaotic 2020” with Patricia Raybon
October 2020: a discussion on children’s books with guest author Glenys Nellist
August 2020: “What does “re-entry” look like with summer winding down and trying to find some semblance of an academic year routine? What does “Writing in a Pandemic” continue to look like practically.“
July 2020: “Creative Ways to Vision the Future of the Spiritual Writing”