by Mel White

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In 2006 Religion Gone Bad was released by the Penguin Company. In light of Donald Trump’s election and the rapid turn to the right of millions of American voters, the author is convinced that it is urgent that we release a new edition of Religion Gone Bad as Six Angry Evangelicals.
The best-selling author of Stranger at the Gate returns with an insider’s exposé of the origins of the Christian fundamentalist movement and how its virulent anti-gay agenda has led to the rise of the Tea Party movement, among other forms of recent right wing extremism.
The Rev. Dr. Mel White argues that the true goals of today’s fundamentalists are to break down the wall that separates church and state, superimpose their “moral values” on the US Constitution, replace democracy with theocratic rule, and ultimately create a new “Christian America” in their image. They believe this is a Christian nation that must be returned forcibly to its Christian roots.
Since the fall of “godless Communism,” homosexuality and abortion have become the primary targets through which fundamentalists have created fear, raised money, and mobilized recruits. Originally published as Religion Gone Bad, this book documents the war that fundamentalist Christians have waged against gays and lesbians and offers dramatic, well-documented evidence that fundamentalist leaders in the name of protecting America from sexual minorities are waging nothing less than a “holy war” against democracy and liberty.