Suzanne Woolston Bossert considers her work as Acquisitions & Development Editor with Wildhouse Publications as another facet of vocational call, a continuance of her exploration of the changing landscape of religion in the 21st century. Wildhouse Publications is an indie press start-up which seeks to disrupt the publishing industry by identifying and amplifying new or unagented authors via a unique partnership cultivation track. The Wildhouse mission is to champion voices that will resonate with a rapidly emerging new niche of readers–the so-called Nones, Dones, and SBNRs–who are on profound spiritual journeys outside or on the margins of organized religion.
After earning Master’s degrees in both creative writing/film and theology, Suzanne was ordained by the United Church of Christ, pastoring a progressive Christian congregation in Boston for a decade. Suzanne left local parish ministry to raise two daughters, do chaplaincy work at Boston Healthcare for the Homeless with two therapy dogs, and create grant-funded digital start-ups exploring the intersection of social media and faith. Suzanne is an experienced public speaker and published essayist, most notably for several Westminster John Knox Press book collections. Although Suzanne played in two women’s D1 basketball Final Fours in while earning a B.A. in journalism, these days she is more interested in the stillness of nature, often camping with her spouse and friends and dogs in the deep woods of New England.
Have a proposal or book idea? Contact Suzanne at swoolston@wildhousepublications.com.