Brian offers three types of services relating to websites and social media:
1. Website and Social Media Audit
“Help! I’m trying, but it doesn’t seem to be working!” This service will analyze your existing website and social media presence and provide you with recommendations for improvement. Even with the advent of social media, your website is still your primary face to the world. Does it say what it needs to say? Does it do what it needs to do? Is your social media platform positioned for growth? There are so many questions to ask… This service will analyze your existing online presence and provide you with recommendations for improvement.
Service fee: to be determined depending upon scope
2. Marketing Plan
Everyone knows marketing is important, but how do you get the best results? What are the strategies and tactics that can best help you grow your platform? Or sell your books? This service helps you plan and implement marketing strategies to best fit your needs. The service is based on Brian’s experience assisting several spiritual writers with their social media marketing, including Frederick Buechner, Kathleen Norris, the Marcus Borg Foundation, and several others.
Service fee: to be determined depending upon scope
3. Consulting
If you would like someone to help in other ways.
Service fee: to be determined depending upon scope
If you are interested in learning more about these services click here.
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This service is provided by Brian Allain who leads Writing for Your Life, a resource center for spiritual writers, and provides marketing services for authors and companies through Who Are You Trying To Serve? His work includes the Publishing in Color conference series, which is intended to increase the number of books published by under-represented groups of spiritual writers. Previously Brian served as Founding Director of the Frederick Buechner Center where he led the launch of Mr. Buechner’s online presence and established several new programs and strategic partnerships. Brian has developed and led spiritual writers conferences at Princeton Theological Seminary, Western Theological Seminary, Belmont University, New Brunswick Seminary, and several churches. He led the self-publishing effort for the book Buchner 101: An Introduction to Frederick Buechner., and
If you are interested in learning more about these services click here.
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Twitter: @writing4urlife
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