“Live significantly!” That’s the inspiring message of Sharon Norris Elliott, award-winning author, popular speaker, astute Bible teacher, and founder/CEO of Life That Matters Ministries and AuthorizeMe® Literary Firm. She encourages everyone who will listen to live a life that matters. Some of her 14 published titles include:
- Didn’t See That Coming: When How They’re Living is Not How You Raised Them
- Mommy Cried This Morning (Book 2 of her 7-book children’s series)
- Why I Get into Trouble (Book 1 of her 7-book children’s series)
- A Woman God Can Bless
- 366 Glimpses of God: Getting to Know the God Who Knows You
- Boomerangs to Arrows: A Godly Guide for Launching Young Adult Children; and
- Power Suit: the Armor of God Fit for the Feminine Frame.
Discover more books and her devotional blog at her ministry website, www.LifeThatMatters.net.
Sharon is amazed at how God’s goodness has brought her from being “Straight Outta Compton” to standing before great people and audiences. Dedicated to teaching and learning, she is a cum laude college graduate (Biola University), holder of Doctor of Theology degree (HSBN International School of Ministry/Affiliate of Gateway International Bible Institute), and member of several prestigious organizations (ACE, AWSA, SCBWI). Sharon is also a religious broadcaster hosting her own show, Life That Matters with Sharon Norris Elliott, on The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network (HSBN.tv), the Christian Women’s Word Network (CWWN.tv), Roku, and other video platforms. The show also available on Facebook Live, Spotify and several other audio platforms.
Under the Life That Matters Ministries umbrella, are her two companies. Milk & Honey Life Retreats rival any other girls’ getaway for both fun and faith enhancement. Through her AuthorizeMe® Literary Firm, Sharon edits others’ work, mentors up-and-coming writers and speakers, coaches writers as they draft their manuscripts, and conducts hands-on seminars personally assisting attendees toward their publishing goals. The AuthorizeMe Literary Agency is also an exciting and successful branch of the firm. The latest thrilling growth for Dr. Elliott is her assignment as acquisitions editor for Little Blessings Press, the new children’s imprint of Winged Publications.
Sharon is retired from her esteemed 35-year teaching career and now focuses full time on her writing, editing, agenting, and broadcasting. She and her husband James serve at Christ Second Baptist Church in Long Beach, CA, where Sharon is an assistant minister. They enjoy their empty nest, travelling, and visiting their children and grandchildren.
Website: www.LifeThatMatters.net
Writing for Your Life services from Sharon: https://writingforyourlife.com/editorial-and-consulting-services-from-sharon-elliott/
Blog: https://sanewriter.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SharonNorrisElliott/
Twitter: @SaneWriter
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-elliott-5b23b041/
TikTok: @SaneWriter