Uncategorized Top 10 Reliable Signs: When Writing Is Your Gift by Cherie Trahan Do you remember how you first discovered your passion for writing? Better yet, when did you realize writing is your God-given gift? Was it revealed to…
Uncategorized True Faith…. Do You Have It! - by Alfreda Branch Jones Faith, one of the most talked about words all over the world! Most people can quote the famous Hebrew 11: 1. Now faith is…
Uncategorized The Great Love: How tragedy begot a beautiful, new worldview By Carla Garrett www.carlagarrett.ca As I lay there beside my son’s dying body, my hand pressing gently on his warm bare chest, I feel a flutter of the heartbeat he still…
Uncategorized Searching for Home – by Frederick Buechner I receive maybe three or four hundred letters a year from strangers who tell me that the books I have spent the better part of…
Uncategorized Finding God in the Cereal Aisle - by Donna Owusu-Ansah At the time I am writing this, my daughters—six and four—are playing with wooden blocks. It is one of those beautiful moments where they are playing…
Uncategorized The Writer’s Journey - by Charlotte Chinn When words collide onto my paper and I step back in awe as I look at the sentences that quickly form paragraphs it is then…
Uncategorized Writing From The Heart - by Louise Ragin Writing for me is another form of expressing my emotions, my faith, my thoughts, challenges, accomplishments, aspirations, and my being. I am generally a…
Uncategorized The Nudge of the Muse - by Donique McIntosh I tend to write when I feel moved by something I’ve seen or heard. In other words, I write when I’ve found my muse or…
Uncategorized Inspired to Un-inspire – by Carol Lynn Patterson How Writing Helped One Man Set His Sights on Reversing the Devastating Effects of the Streets Ralph Burgess’ story could have ended like so many reported tales of wasted…
Uncategorized The Artist’s Date Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way offers a lot of good ideas for stimulating creativity. One of the most helpful for me is the artist’s date: once a week doing something…
Uncategorized Writer: Creator or Scribe? - by Joshua Kalu Ephraim I am a writer. What does this mean? For everyone writes. School kids of age…
Uncategorized Eternally Linked Creativity activates imagination, and imagination is one of our most valuable spiritual faculties. Every aspect of the spiritual life requires some imagination. When you make a leap of faith, you…
Uncategorized Why My Articles Are 10 Days Late Right after it happened, the horrible shooting in Las Vegas drew me into reflection on the causes of mass violence. For days I let the thoughts turn over in my…
Uncategorized Free Webinar: Marketing 101 for Spiritual Writers It's summertime and the livin' is easy, right? Perhaps some time for reflection? Or maybe a free webinar that discusses basic marketing elements for spiritual writers? Join us for a…
Uncategorized “How Marketing Differs for Spiritual Writers” – video training Topics in this introductory level presentation include: why social media matters examples of social media success recommendations for how social media should differ for spiritual writers recommendations for prioritizing social…