Writing tips A Place to Belong I met Julie Witmer at Hutchmoot several years ago. She’s from Pennsylvania. She has an English gardener’s certificate, and called one day to ask if she could give…
Writing tips Surrendering to Time Perhaps the kindest—and most helpful—review I ever received came from Mary Rose O’Reilly, author of The Barn at the End of the World: “I can imagine that [Elizabeth] has…
Writing tips Viewpoint and tense What do I work with when I’m in this left-brain stage? Well, as a storyteller, I sketch out a plot as best I can. I’ve usually free-written about characters, giving…
Writing tips I was forced to listen I sit on my favorite rock, looking over the brook, to take time away from busyness, time to be. I’ve long since stopped feeling guilty about taking being time; it’s…
Writing tips Christian art? Christian art? Art is art; painting is painting; music is music; a story is a story. If it’s bad art, it’s bad religion, no matter how pious the subject. If…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Purpose or Passion? Here’s What Research Says Leads to Higher Performance By Keith Reynold Jennings, {grow} Contributing Columnisthttps://businessesgrow.com/2020/08/19/purpose-or-passion/
Writing tips It takes years to write a book To comfort friends discouraged by their writing pace, you could afford them this: It takes years to write a book - between two and ten years. Less is so…
Writing tips Have a Checklist It can be helpful to have a checklist, particularly once you’re in the middle, most engaged stage of work. The middle is often a muddle, and if you have some…
Writing tips A Christian artist Why is it that I, who have spent my life writing, struggling to be a better artist, and struggling also to be a better Christian, should feel rebellious when I…
Writing tips I miss a lot The fact that we need so much help understanding what we are looking at is a lesson in itself. How often do we assume that we know what we are…
Writing tips Figure Eights I picture the creative process traveling the figure eight curves of an infinity sign. We begin in the world, where a travel adventure or newspaper headline or grave illness or…
Writing tips Good Habits: Whatever Happens And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not…
Publishing tips, Writing tips Freedom Putting a book together is interesting and exhilarating. It is sufficiently difficult and complex that it engages all your intelligence. It is life at its most free. Your freedom as…
Writing tips Practice Good writers practice and study and practice some more. They may not call it practice-they may simply keep writing, day after day-but in fact they are practicing every time they…
Writing tips Charm Them – by Mary Karr However you charm people in the world, you should do so on the page. A lot of great writers rebuke charm, and I don’t mean the word to conjure a…
Writing tips When You Are Stuck When you are stuck in a book; when you are well into writing it, and know what comes next, and yet cannot go on; when every morning for a week…
Writing tips Kurt Vonnegut on Writing and Talent https://www.pw.org/content/kurt_vonnegut_on_writing_and_talent
Writing tips Longing to Belong from “Adorning the Dark” by Andrew Peterson During our first ten years in Nashville our family lived in four different houses. We liked the adventure of a new place.…
Writing tips How I Feed My Writing – by Robert Benson I have very specific ways I read to feed my writing. I consider a day without working the crossword in the New York Times has been lived considerably less…
Writing tips Advice, From One Giant of 20th Century Literature to Another Kurt Vonnegut’s 1967 entreaty to José Donoso. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/kurt-vonnegut-jose-donoso/