Writing tips Revision Includes Generation Rather than leading readers down the narrow path of a first draft, you can continue investigating the wilderness, growing more familiar with your material, before you invite anyone along. Early…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips How Authors Can Respond to Industry Changes in the Age of COVID-19 by Jevon Bolden https://www.jevonbolden.com/blog/2020/3/28/how-authors-can-respond-to-industry-changes-in-the-age-of-covid-19
Writing tips Discernment: How Do I Discern? Discernment does not seem to come naturally to a lot of people. We make decisions all the time based on the moment’s emotion, sensory overload, pressure from others,…
Writing tips Set your sights higher than finding your voice The goal of writers is not complete originality but to take the past and give it a shake, a fresh look that helps us see reality differently and better.…
Writing tips Writing Your Story is Lonely—Here is the Cure from "Your Story Matters" by Leslie Leyland Fields On a January night where I live in Kodiak, Alaska, I was working on a book. It was 10:30 p.m. Tired,…
Writing tips Writing as a Practice of Resilience by Stephanie Smith Every single month when the calendar icon on my phone resets to Day 1, it comes as a small shock (Just me? Or you too?). It…
Writing tips Patricia Raybon’s Top 10 Writing Tips Many thanks to our friend Patricia Raybon for sharing her excellent Top 10 Writing Tips that she mentioned during her recent First Fridays webinar: https://www.patriciaraybon.com/my-best-writing-tips/
Writing tips Revision Magnifies Inspiration Every gorgeous sentence, every sparkling idea, is well worth loving. But stay open to the possibility that there’s even more to love on the way. Lasting relationships between yourself and…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Creativity: Raw Material It’s such a temptation to treat creativity as something extra, isn’t it? When I’ve done all my work and taken care of my family and straightened the house or office…
Writing tips How to Tell When You’re Halfway Finished I enter a mild depression in the middle of every book I write (or edit, for that matter). I’m in too deep to back out, yet I cannot see…
Writing tips God Redeems Our Work A few years ago I realized with a thud of dread that I had about a month to come up with the songs for a new album. I had…
Writing tips Revision Is New Vision If revision isn’t what our English teachers taught, what is it exactly? Revision is the work of seeing with new eyes. Creativity is the ability to make new things or…
Writing tips A Writer’s Insides Voice grows from the nature of a writer’s talent, which stems from innate character. Just as a memoirist’s nature bestows her magic powers on the page, we also wind up…
Writing tips It’s a miracle anyone writes anything Our production manager Jock (yes, that was his name) worked with printers to produce our books, since, like most publishers, we didn’t have printing presses. He knew the processes intimately…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Courage: Name Your Fear Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to keep going despite fear. A soldier fears attack by the enemy and yet moves into battle. A young woman…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Why Writing is Important for Faith Leaders – Now More than Ever by Brian Allain https://faithlead.luthersem.edu/why-writing-is-important-for-faith-leaders-now-more-than-ever/
Writing tips Believe in the Process Creative work is often solitary work. It requires a lot of time with one’s soul. It requires reflection, work and then more reflection, and much of this happens when the…
Writing tips Your Sacred Journey – by Frederick Buechner From the introduction of Frederick Buechner’s first memoir “The Sacred Journey” What I propose to do now is to try listening to my life as a whole, or at least…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Who do you want to reach and why? by Andrew T. LePeau How do we keep our audience in mind and not keep our audience in mind? We do it at different times. When we are first…
Writing tips The Power of Reflective Writing in a Fast Words Culture by Stephanie Smith I’m sure you’ve noticed it, too. Much like fast food or fast fashion, ours is a culture of fast words. With unlimited world knowledge accessible to…