Are you an already-published author? As you can see, we partner with MANY authors, across the spectrum of experience and fame. And we partner even more closely with a few selected authors who provide expert services to our customers. Here are a few examples:
Case study: Lisa Crayton

My specialty is nonfiction for kids and adults. I write articles, devotionals, Bible study guides, books, and other material. For decades I’ve been dedicated to the pursuit of writing for Christian and general markets, and helping other writers succeed. I also assist writers by providing various support services, such as project consultations and editing, and teaching at conferences.
Early on as a conference faculty member, I discovered there is a tremendous need in the spiritual writing market for support and resources for aspiring and intermediate writers, including writers of color. I felt – and still feel – compelled to meet that need.
However, when my son was younger, I redirected my efforts closer to home. I closed my online publication, and also slowed my speaking itinerary. In his early years of high school, I did pursue and complete a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing, but wrote very little for publication. Over the next two years, I poured all my efforts into “band mom” responsibilities.
After he graduated in 2014 and headed for college, I promised myself that I would fill my empty nest season with, among other things, writing, speaking, and writer support services. And I have. For example, all twelve of my kids books were written from May 2015 to March 2018! Ten have been published, two release in 2019.
Fast forward to February 2018: I read about Publishing in Color (PIC) in an industry newsletter. Impressed by what I read on the PIC website, I began trumpeting the news on social media, and registered for the event.
At PIC, I reunited with writer friends, and met new ones. I reconnected with editors I’ve previously met, including one who recently contacted me by email noting she’d like to help me explore new opportunities. (I had had an appointment with her at PIC, but allowed another writer to take my slot because I sensed a divine appointment in the making.) (Read about my PIC experience here).
I also met Brian Allain. Surprisingly, he invited me to join the Writing for Your Life (WFYL) writer support team. And then he invited me to speak at next year’s PIC. I’m grateful for these opportunities, excited about the writers I’ll help in the future.
How has becoming involved in WFYL affected my career? Doing so allows me to fulfill my empty-nest promise to myself. It reminds me that often when God directs our footsteps we think the path will be paved by our efforts alone. We forget that there are other sojourners – like Brian Allain and the WFYL and PIC teams – who have heard a similar call. Teaming up increases our impact and expands our careers.
Learn more about Lisa and her WFYL services here:
Case study: Jennifer Grant

Joining forces with Writing for Your Life (WFYL) has benefited my career in two primary ways.
First, I’ve been able to articulate what I believe I have to offer as a speaker. Over the past seven years, I’ve published six books (nonfiction, memoir, devotional, and a book for children) and following each release, I accepted invitations to speak to groups at weekend retreats, community and church gatherings, and fundraising events.
My speaking topics, generally, have been related to the content of whatever was my most recent book—so, I spoke about the particular challenges and joys of creating a family by adoption (after the release of Love You More), various other parenting topics, how to move into midlife with as much grace and resilience as possible, and so on.
Concurrently, however, I also spoke a handful of times at writing conferences about “the tricky bits” of writing memoir, “Publishing 101,” and other writing-related topics. I had begun to realize that it was my strong preference to focus much more on teaching than on offering guidance on personal or spiritual matters. Speaking at WFYL in Nashville at Belmont this past year cemented my conviction that what comes most naturally to me and what brings me the most joy as a public speaker is sharing what I’ve learned about writing, publishing, and crafting a life as a writer with others. Since the conference at Belmont, I’ve been asked to speak at several other writers conferences across the country. It’s been a joy.
The other way WFYL has had a positive effect on my career is by connecting me with writers who’ve needed an editorial consultant. As a member of the “Writer Support Services” team at WFYL, I’ve been paired with several clients who were looking for someone to help them to—among other things—restructure a manuscript, write a book proposal, help them consider the merits of one idea over another before committing to a book project, and to offer guidance regarding choosing an agent. I’ve enjoyed these one-on-one relationships and found it exciting to hold a finished book in my hands after months of working closely with its author.
On a personal note, I also appreciate the relationships I’ve forged with other editors and authors because of our shared involvement with WFYL.
Learn more about Jennifer and her WFYL services here:
Case study: Margot Starbuck

Over the last 27 years, I have started countless unprofitable “businesses”: producing and selling clothing, cards, hats, jewelry, videos, puppets, lanyards, and more. What was right about that series of ill-fated ventures was that I got to use my greatest strength, my creativity. What was wrong about every one of them was that I lacked the skills—and if I’m honest, the interest—to manage the business-ee part of business. I discovered the hard way that marketing, promotion, advertising, accounting, etc. are requisite to run a successful business. (Who knew?!)
At the tail end of that long string of fails, about a dozen years ago, I began writing. And although my community assumed it would be yet another pit stop in a parade of fruitless ventures, I knew I’d landed on the thing for which I was made. I was thrilled that—outside of a dependable laptop—writing didn’t require the investment of capital into supplies and inventory. Hooray! But of course I also discovered that many of the same skills required for businesses with inventory were also necessary to develop a successful writing business. And I knew that if I had a partner who could generate leads, I would be able to soar as a writer and editor.
I’d been working as a writer, and slowly growing my business, for about ten years when I connected with Writing For Your Life. Imagine my delight when I realized that Brian Allain had the exact skillset I lacked. Specifically, I noticed that Brian was pretty savvy at marketing. When I started editing, writing, and teaching with Writing For Your Life, I was finally set free to do the things I was made to do.
Partnering with Writing For Your Life has allowed me to grow my business by releasing me from the kinds of tasks that felt death-dealing to me and freeing me up to do what I do best—serving readers and writers.
Learn more about Margot and her WFYL services here:
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