Writing tips Our fundamental “groupishness” In his significant book “Not in God’s Name”, Jonathan Sacks reverses a popular trope. It is not our religion that makes us violent, he says. Instead, it is our penchant…
Writing tips How Do You Find a Community for Creativity? Where do you find people who are good for you, who enhance your growth as an artist and who increase your confidence to keep up the work? For some people,…
Writing tips The work is not the vision Here is a fairly sober version of what happens in the small room between the writer and the work itself. It is similar to what happens between a painter and…
Marketing tips, Writing tips The Three Crucial Questions So how do we make the story our company is telling clear? Remember, the greatest enemy our business faces is the same enemy that good stories face: noise. At no…
Writing tips Reassert your mastery I do not so much write a book as sit up with it, as with a dying friend. During visiting hours, I enter its room with dread and sympathy for…
Writing tips Stimulating Creativity Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way offers a lot of good ideas for stimulating creativity. One of the most helpful for me is the artist’s date: once a week doing something…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Story in a Nutshell Here is nearly every story you see or hear in a nutshell: A CHARACTER who wants something encounters a PROBLEM before they can get it. At the peak of their…
Writing tips Inventing Much has been written about the life of the mind. I find the phrase itself markedly dreamy. The mind of the writer does indeed do something before it dies, and…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Integrity: Just Yes or No “Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’; anything more than this comes from the evil one.” —Matthew 5:37 Jesus understood that the more we talk, the less clear…
Publishing tips, Writing tips Who’s Guiding You Into Your Future? By Tonya May Avent http://www.destined4thedub.com/ https://destined4thedub.com/2020/09/30/whos-guiding-you-into-your-future/
Writing tips Writing About Writing by Paul Ingram https://www.theworldisabouttoturn.com/blog/writing-about-writing
Writing tips Unpublished but Powerful by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrewhttp://www.elizabethjarrettandrew.com/2018/04/unpublished-but-powerful/
Marketing tips, Writing tips Critical for connecting with customers When Apple began filtering their communication to make it simple and relevant, they actually stopped featuring computers in most of their advertising. Instead, they understood their customers were all living,…
Writing tips EXERCISES FOR A WRITER’S FORMATION Intuitive Work, Analytical Work Make two lists. In one name as many tasks as you can that have to do with the more intuitive, right-brain aspect in your particular mode…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Why Attend a Writers Conference? - by Editor/Author Kat Brzozowski https://www.swoonreads.com/blog/why-attend-writers-conference/ Here are the upcoming Writing for Your Life and Publishing in Color spiritual writers' conferences: https://writingforyourlife.com/conferences/
Writing tips The Power of Words by Frederick Buechner IF LITERATURE IS a metaphor for the writer's experience, a mirror in which that experience is at least partially reflected, it is at the same time a…
Writing tips Top-Shelf Books The writers of these top-shelf books are my teachers, the ones I turn to in order to learn how to write. They are the people whose work has shaped not…
Writing tips Reflective Writing by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrewhttp://www.elizabethjarrettandrew.com/2012/07/reflective-writing-2/
Writing tips There’s no law against saving everything One practical matter to remember: even as you hack away all the extra material, even as you edit ruthlessly, there’s no law against saving everything. Most of the time I…
Writing tips The Truth of our Stories – by Frederick Buechner IN THE LONG RUN the stories all overlap and mingle like searchlights in the dark. The stories Jesus tells are part of the story Jesus is, and the other way round.…