Writing tips How to Find Inspiration to Write by Angela Enos A hairdresser styles hair. A baker bakes. A runner, well, runs. And therefore, a writer-yes, writes! Mic drop. Is that…
Writing tips A source of great vision The aspects of your personal history that you want to avoid can be the source of great vision for you. If you leave out something that has wounded you deeply,…
Writing tips “Proceeding as the way opens” When I lived at a retreat center secluded in the woods, the guests who came from the cities would occasionally take walks at night. They would shut the front door,…
Publishing tips, Writing tips Path to Publishing: Find the Courage to Finish your Manuscript by Kathy Izard https://www.womenfaithstory.com/blog/courage-to-finish
Writing tips “No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader.” When writers are open to learning and growing through the writing process, a sense of discovery infuses our words. Personal growth isn’t a selfish reason for writing; it’s an essential…
Marketing tips, Writing tips You start talking about the problems your customers face Identifying our customers’ problems deepens their interest in the story we are telling. Every story is about somebody who is trying to solve a problem, so when we identify our…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Technological acceleration It is one of the great truisms of our time that we live in an age of technological acceleration; the new paradigms keep rolling in, and the intervals between them…
Writing tips Find a character Find a character, like yourself, who will want something or not want something with all his heart. Give him running orders. Shoot him off. Then follow as fast as you…
Writing tips Writing as an agent of spiritual growth Every spiritual memoir reaches into mystery, attempting to place human life in a broad sacred context. Your task as a writer is not to shy from the unknown but to…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips We must define a desire In business, if we don’t communicate clearly, we shrink. When we’re motivating a team, convincing shareholders, or engaging customers, we must define a desire our customers have or our audience…
Writing tips The sensation of writing The sensation of writing a book is the sensation of spinning, blinded by love and daring. It is the sensation of rearing and peering from the bent tip of a…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Kleiber’s law Working out of the legendary Santa Fe Institute, where he served as president until 2009, West assembled an international team of researchers and advisers to collect data on dozens of…
Publishing tips, Writing tips Path to Publishing: Writing Even When No One is Reading by Kathy Izard https://www.womenfaithstory.com/blog/kathyizard-23r3m-t98fk
Marketing tips, Writing tips Why Writers Should Blog by Angela Enos Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts, connect with readers, practice your writing skills, and build a writing platform. As emerging authors, we have all been…
Writing tips Can it be done? and, Can I do it? Writing every book, the writer must solve two problems: Can it be done? and, Can I do it? Every book has an intrinsic impossibility, which its writer discovers as soon…
Writing tips There are stories in my soul, and they are the ones that count the most. Each time I rewrote an essay, my story came forward a little more, my history opened a bit wider, and I became more visible. This was not comforting. However, I…
Writing tips The stranger However you define the problematic present-day stranger—the religious stranger, the cultural stranger, the transgendered stranger, the homeless stranger—scripture’s wildly impractical solution is to love the stranger as the self. You…
Writing tips How to Write a Book by Angela Enos For me, the easiest part of being a writer is the actual writing of the book. After finishing the manuscript, I believe the real work begins. Years…
Writing tips What readers really want is the story I’ve been writing a book of memoir-essays for at least three years. The first set seemed pretty good, but the feedback I got from writer friends was lukewarm, so I…
Writing tips The minute I believe I know the mind of God… I can respect almost anyone who admits to being human while reading a divine text. After that, we can talk—about why we highlight some teachings and ignore others, about how…