How a Publisher Thinks / Vinita Wright – Part 1

… a series of excerpts from Vinita’s Writing for Your Life webinar presentation


Who is looking for this book, and why?

  • If you cannot answer this question specifically, the marketing department won’t know how to strategize.
  • You must have a specific audience in mind: young mothers trying to keep their prayer life vital, people who study the Bible in small groups, families trying to practice their faith at home, people at midlife who want to become faith mentors, etc.


What need is uppermost in the reader’s mind?

  • The person who picks up this book does so for a specific reason. “I want to know how to keep my faith strong while I’m so busy with small children at home.” “I need to enhance my skills in leading small groups through Bible study.” “How can our family pray together, do social-justice work together?” “I want to encourage younger people in their Christian life, but how exactly can I do that?”


Does the reader expect answers, inspiration, or instruction?

  • If she expects answers, then the chapters and material must be organized around providing clear answers and supporting information.
  • If he expects inspiration, then the writing must be personable, warm, and provide stories and various other means of inspiration.
  • If she expects direction, then the book needs to be structured and written as a how-to presentation.