Marketing tips The 3 Core Elements of Personal Branding Everything you say online—and everything you don’t say—contributes to the story about you that plays in people’s heads. While everyone has a personal brand, not everybody has a Heroic…
Writing tips Religious Books – by Frederick Buechner There are poetry books and poetic books—the first a book with poems in it, the second a book that may or may not have poems…
Writing tips Honoring Your Passion to Write By Sarah Arthur Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a published writer. Or maybe you enjoyed writing at some point in your life and would like to pick it…
Writing tips Creativity Is Whole-Life Engagement You can’t engage with a creative process and not engage other processes. When you are exploring and unveiling, your emotions get hooked, your intellect gets hooked, and your deepest beliefs…
Marketing tips “Influencers share stories because they want to build bonds with people” In his book Fizz, word-of-mouth marketing expert Ted Wright concludes that those who ignite content are intrinsically motivated. “Influencers share stories because they want to build bonds with people. For…
Writing tips Manna ~ by Lindy Thompson I used to pretty much want to be my pastor. I wanted to be just like her. I wanted the robe, I wanted the love…
Writing tips Paper, a Pen and the God Theory by Kamau Sennaar “A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9 (King James Version) “For I know the plans I…
Writing tips The Wonder and Power of Writing! by Mary F. Sanders October 23, 2018 The ability of the ancients to engrave hieroglyphics on cavern walls, to write/etch on parchment/papyrus or as we do in modern day,…
Writing tips Writing Intentionally by Rev. Lorri Baldwin I always knew someday I would finally sit down and intentionally write, a book or two and my memoir … It has been in my…
Marketing tips Making Sense of Social Media Platform Choices For those new to social media, the choices can be daunting. How do you choose among so many alternatives? This article summarizes my answer to that question. First the bottom…
Writing tips The Divine Call to Writing That Goes Nowhere by John Bachman What if your call to write takes you down a blind alley? I’m guessing you see the paradox in that question. Call implies a purpose and…
Writing tips Contributors Notes - by Jennifer Grant On my seventh birthday, I was given Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses. The cover is burgundy, the title in gold lettering.…
Writing tips Finding a Writing Rhythm – by Tony Jones Mark Twain said, “Write what you know.” I work best under deadline. A book I’m editing that is a tribute (aka, festschrift; aka liber amicorum) was…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Get in Touch With Your Creativity As you get in touch with your creative gifts, you will, as matter of course, get in touch with every facet of your being. A particular poem will call up…
Writing tips What is your true purpose? By Sharon M Koenig Translated and adapted from Los Ciclos del Alma (7th edition ) If we live under the assumption that there is order and wisdom in…
Uncategorized The Great Love: How tragedy begot a beautiful, new worldview By Carla Garrett As I lay there beside my son’s dying body, my hand pressing gently on his warm bare chest, I feel a flutter of the heartbeat he still…
Writing tips How to Use Math, Science, and the Power of Commitment—and Personal Vendettas—to Move Your Writing Forward – Part 2 - an excerpt from Allison Hodgson So you get started, but you realize right away you need to do research first. Of course! Family stories can only take you…
Writing tips Revision is a Spiritual Practice - from "Living Revision" by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew “You can fall in love with your first draft,” the poet and memoirist Jorie Miller likes to say, “but don’t marry…
Marketing tips The 3 Core Elements of Personal Branding Everything you say online—and everything you don’t say—contributes to the story about you that plays in people’s heads. While everyone has a personal brand, not everybody has a Heroic Brand…