Uncategorized Why My Articles Are 10 Days Late Right after it happened, the horrible shooting in Las Vegas drew me into reflection on the causes of mass violence. For days I let the thoughts turn over in my…
Marketing tips Moving A Blog to A Website Having a blog is an important element of online success. Even with the increasing importance of social media, you still need an easily accessible repository of your rich content. And…
Marketing tips Trust (part 2) When copies [of virtually everything that can be copied] are free, you need to sell things that cannot be copied. Well, what can’t be copied? Trust, for instance. Trust cannot…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips Flowing The Internet is the world’s largest copy machine. At its most fundamental level this machine copies every action, every character, every thought we make while we ride upon it. In…
Writing tips Do Not Write to an Audience On a retreat in Texas once, I heard Frederick Buechner say that he writes to people he loves and who really know him. “You use your real voice with those…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Father James Martin: “A Discussion on Spiritual Writing” • The Rev. James Martin is a Jesuit priest, best-selling author, and editor at large at America, the national Catholic magazine. He is arguably the leading Catholic author. • This…
Writing tips Listening Toward the end of the Year of Pretending to Write a Book, an interview on All Things Considered caught my attention. The man being interviewed was described as a consultant…
Writing tips Searching for Home by Frederick Buechner I receive maybe three or four hundred letters a year from strangers who tell me that the books I have spent the better part of my life…
Writing tips Finding a Writing Rhythm - by Tony Jones Mark Twain said, “Write what you know.” I work best under deadline. A book I’m editing that is a tribute (aka, festschrift; aka liber amicorum) was…
Writing tips The Power of Stories – by Frederick Buechner Stories have enormous power for us, and I think that it is worth speculating why they have such power. Let me suggest two reasons. One is that they make us want…
Writing tips Religious Books - by Frederick Buechner There are poetry books and poetic books—the first a book with poems in it, the second a book that may or may not have poems in…
Writing tips Conversion: My Ebenezer – by Kathleen Norris In my grandmother Totten’s Presbyterian hymnal from the 1950’s, the great eighteenth-century hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” has a word in it that would confuse most people nowadays.…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Rule #3: Follow the RITE Path Here is Mark Schaefer's third of his three rules for creating effective social media content, from his book “Known”: Rule #3: Follow the RITE Path Here’s a proven method…
Uncategorized Free Webinar: Marketing 101 for Spiritual Writers It's summertime and the livin' is easy, right? Perhaps some time for reflection? Or maybe a free webinar that discusses basic marketing elements for spiritual writers? Join us for a…
Publishing tips How Do I Find An Agent? - by Christopher Ferebee Whenever I am speaking at any form of writer's event, be it a Learning Community during the Q Conference, at Writer's Boot Camp or the Frederick Buechner Writer's Workshop at…
Publishing tips Breakeven Analysis for Self vs. Traditional Publishing I thought it might be helpful to go through a little math, in order to compare the revenue coming to an author through self-publishing vs. traditional publishing. (Note: these examples…
Writing tips Novelist at Work by Frederick Buechner On Michelangelo’s ceiling, the old man reaches down out of the cloud to touch Adam's finger and give him life. Here the situation is reversed. I am…
Writing tips The Importance of Creativity Playdates - by Sophfronia Scott If you’re a writer and a parent (I am) you probably schedule or once scheduled many playdates for your children. When was the last time…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Write, Publish, Market: Where Are You Along the Journey? Regardless of where you're at along the path of writing, getting published, or marketing your work, we have resources to support you. Our best-in-class authors and industry experts have given…
Publishing tips 10 Reasons to Consider Self-Publishing The more time I spend learning about the spiritual publishing industry, the more I am convinced that self-publishing is the best route for many aspiring writers. Not because I dislike…