Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips “A Discussion on Spiritual Writing” with Father James Martin This extended interview with Father James Martin includes topics such as: How he approaches writing How he selects book themes How to think of your audience His writing schedule Using…
Writing tips Expect to Understand God in Broader and Deeper Ways All the time I encounter artists who have weathered various changes in their spirituality because of their growth as artists. My own story is not so unusual. As I developed…
Publishing tips A List of Christian Trade Publishers For those of you early in your spiritual writing journey, the landscape of publishers out there may seem a bit chaotic and confusing. Below I have attempted to assemble a…
Writing tips Book Recommendations for Writing Personal Narrative - by Rachel Held Evans - “The Art of Memoir” by Mary Karr - “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott - “Walking on Water” by Madeline L’Engle - “The…
Writing tips Finding Time to Write - by Tony Jones When I was a younger writer, I pushed myself to write every day. My first book was written from 4-7am daily, with a full-time job and…
Marketing tips The psychology of sharing There’s a lot of hype about what makes content work in a way that people want to share it. Instead of buying into the hype, let’s focus on reliable research…
Writing tips Expect to Become More Attentive to, and Engaged with Life Creative work teaches you to pay attention, and this is something that few people do well or often. We spend hours and days at a time just trying to get…
Writing tips After the Writing Conference: Reflections By Sarah Arthur Last June I flew home from the second annual Frederick Buechner Writers Workshop at Princeton Theological Seminary. I had served for the week as writer-in-residence leading twenty…
Writing tips Life Itself Has a Plot - by Frederick Buechner The alphabet of grace is full of sibilants-sounds that can't be shouted but only whispered: the sounds of bumblebees and wind and lovers in the dark,…
Writing tips Threadbare Language – by Frederick Buechner "I shall go to my grave," a friend of mine once wrote me, "feeling that Christian thought is a dead language—one that feeds many living ones to be sure, one…
Writing tips The Writing Mentor: Frederick Buechner by Sophfronia Scott I’ve never met Frederick Buechner—let’s start there. In case you don’t know him, here’s the quick rundown from his website: Frederick Buechner (pronounced BEEK-ner) is an American writer…
Writing tips Temporary Imbalances The creative process often leads to temporary imbalances that other people may not tolerate well. There’s some craziness to the creative life. You may be terrifically energetic for a time…
Marketing tips “Influencers share stories because they want to build bonds with people” In his book Fizz, word-of-mouth marketing expert Ted Wright concludes that those who ignite content are intrinsically motivated. “Influencers share stories because they want to build bonds with people. For…
Publishing tips “How to Prepare a Non-fiction Book Proposal” – video training This video covers the nuts and bolts of outstanding book proposals. Topics include: Identifying your match with publishers and agents Title creation The one-sentence hook The need and the solution Your…
Publishing tips The Art of a Book Proposal - by Angela Scheff So you’ve been writing for years and have decided to finally put a proposal together to secure an agent and/or send it to a publisher. You’ve…
Writing tips Why You Must Love What You Write - by Sophfronia Scott I was walking around my yard in a bit of a daze. The day before I had finished the novel revision I’d been working on for…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips The Most Important Characteristic is Insight “The most important characteristic of content marketing today is not quality or quantity. It’s insight.” Lee Odden, the CEO of TopRank Marketing, says: “Marketers talk about all these really clever…
Writing tips Expect to Be Misunderstood People who are not yet acquainted with their creativity will think you’re odd. If you’re fully invested in a creative vision, then they’ll suspect that you’re imbalanced. If they really…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips When to Self-Publish Today’s guest article is from Chris Ferebee of The Christopher Ferebee Agency. I'm often asked by both would be and published authors, if and when to consider self-publishing. For those…
Writing tips Creativity May Involve an Artistic Temperament-and It May Not When we see the terms artist and creative, we tend to think of the most flamboyant representatives of these two categories. A personality such as Pyotr Ilich Tchailovsky or Pablo…