Writing tips Open Ourselves - from "Living Revision" by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew If our goal is to move our readers, Robert Frost suggests we open ourselves to tears and surprise. If our goal is…
Marketing tips 9 Ways that Marketing (Should) Differ for Spiritual Writers Many spiritual writers are reluctant to “market themselves” because either they feel like they are boasting, or because they are introverts. I encourage you to think of it from a…
Writing tips Faithful Fatherhood - by Jacob Pannell https://jacobpannell.com/2018/05/30/faithful-fatherhood/
Writing tips How to Use Math, Science, and the Power of Commitment—and Personal Vendettas—to Move Your Writing Forward – Part 1 - an excerpt from Allison Hodgson I don’t want to write this chapter. I’m sorry to have to tell you this—it’s nothing personal—it’s just that lately, I’ve been feeling…
Writing tips Writing to Live - by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson Acclaimed author Toni Morrison took ownership of her words. She rejected the perceived need for African Americans to respond to the “white gaze” or…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Getting the Most Out of a Writers’ Conference - by Brian Allain Many attendees of our writers’ conferences have asked for advice on how they can get the most out the writers’ conferences they attend. Here is…
Writing tips How to Start Writing - by Amy Julia Becker (and check out Amy Julia's new book here) I have friends who say that writers should never tell too much about the next book…
Writing tips Straight from the Authors – Part 3 In this article Angela Scheff from the Christopher Ferebee Agency interviews several amazing authors—Lisa Whittle, Jonathan Merritt and Leeana Tankersley—who describe what they’d do differently regarding their publishing careers and…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Why Attend a Writers Conference? Why Attend a Writers Conference? by Kat Brzozowski
Writing tips Novelist at Work – by Frederick Buechner On Michelangelo’s ceiling, the old man reaches down out of the cloud to touch Adam's finger and give him life. Here the situation is reversed.…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Flowing The Internet is the world’s largest copy machine. At its most fundamental level this machine copies every action, every character, every thought we make while we ride upon it. In…
Writing tips The Affliction That Must Not Be Named Toward the end of the Year of Pretending to Write a Book, an interview on All Things Considered caught my attention. The man being interviewed was described as a consultant…
Writing tips Living Revision Revision’s bad reputation is based on stereotypes and misunderstanding. As soon as we pen a thought, we’ve already revised an invisible, intangible wisp inside our head into visible, tangible print.…
Writing tips A Contribution to the Literary World – by Robert Benson At the beginning of a new book, I find it easier to write if I do not think about the fact that I am attempting…
Uncategorized Searching for Home – by Frederick Buechner I receive maybe three or four hundred letters a year from strangers who tell me that the books I have spent the better part of…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Straight from the Authors – Part 2 In this article Angela Scheff from the Christopher Ferebee Agency interviews several amazing authors—Lisa Whittle, Jonathan Merritt and Leeana Tankersley—who describe their writing process and what surprised them about the…
Writing tips Sarah Arthur’s Top Ten Tips for Getting it Done - by Sarah Arthur Q1: What is that one thing you must start/finish/work on? (Or, to put it in graphic terms, if you were to die in an epic…
Uncategorized Finding God in the Cereal Aisle - by Donna Owusu-Ansah At the time I am writing this, my daughters—six and four—are playing with wooden blocks. It is one of those beautiful moments where they are playing…
Publishing tips How to Approach a Literary Agent for Representation - by Tim Beals, Credo Literary Agency After writing a book proposal that includes two or three sample chapters, make a list of agents that seem appropriate for you and…