Writing tips At Montreat in 1973 How did Tony Abbott hear about the works of Fred Buechner that gave him such pleasure, such hope? It was by meeting Lou Patrick, Goldie Stribling, and Betty McLaney in…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Seven daily habits to make you a more consistent content creator by Mark Schaefer https://businessesgrow.com/2021/11/29/consistent-content-creator/
Uncategorized Marketing is a Relationship. By David duChemin https://mailchi.mp/3435c5714d6e/marketing-is-a-relationship?e=d157dfd2eb
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips An Energetic Quest Maybe you’re thinking these random moments are pure luck, a mystical force beyond your control - unless you’re a Jedi master. But there are specific actions you can take to…
Writing tips Dubious but consequential metaphors Consider, too, timeworn expressions still in use that confuse important issues - land of opportunity, for instance, a phrase still invoked to describe a country where at this writing the…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Our fundamental “groupishness” In his significant book “Not in God’s Name”, Jonathan Sacks reverses a popular trope. It is not our religion that makes us violent, he says. Instead, it is our penchant…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips The odds of finding like-minded people are much lower with a smaller pool of individuals Lifestyles or interests that deviate from the mainstream need critical mass to survive; they atrophy in smaller communities not because those communities are more repressive, but rather because the odds…
Marketing tips, Writing tips How to overcome your fear of being honest and open in your content by Mark Schaefer https://businessesgrow.com/2021/12/13/fear-of-being-honest/
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips You have to put yourself in a place to have experiences that give you a chance The idea for my book lit up before me like an airport runway. I knew the marketing world was about to be transformed. We were being handed an entirely new…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Random, unexpected, and serendipitous Margaret Heffernan, a professor at the University of Bath, said an entrepreneurial leader today has to pursue curiosity like an artist: “What does an artist do? They notice, they investigate,…
Marketing tips The underrated role of marketing habits A podcast episode with Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings https://businessesgrow.com/2021/12/08/marketing-habits/
Writing tips To be good stewards of words To maintain usable and reliable language - to be good stewards of words - we have at least to do these three things: (1) deepen and sharpen our reading skills,…
Writing tips So They Say You Should Write A Book Someone heard your story and said you should write a book. Is this true? Is that why you are here? Believe it or not, this happens to people a lot…
Writing tips Out of the depths In the early days at Trinity, Lou Patrick took opportunities to travel to conferences to learn and study the works of current theologians. It was on one of these sabbaticals…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Consider these facts about Americans who speak English At least 50 percent of the unemployed are functionally illiterate (US Department of Labor Statistics).The average kindergarten student has seen more than 5,000 hours of television, having spent more time…
Marketing tips Does your business need an online community? by Mark Schaefer https://businessesgrow.com/2021/11/10/online-community/
Marketing tips How can a brand offer a sense of ultimate self-realization or self-acceptance? How can a brand offer a sense of ultimate self-realization or self-acceptance? Here are a few ideas: Inspiration: If an aspect of your brand can offer or be associated with…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips 84 percent of all businesses started from a random event Business consultant Martin Lindstrom estimates that 84 percent of all businesses started from a random event. Fortune 500 companies like Starbucks and Home Depot and products such as Velcro, Viagra,…
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips The best innovation labs are always a little contaminated Nemeth has gone on to document the same phenomenon at work in dozens of different environments: mock juries, boardrooms, academic seminars. Her research suggests a paradoxical truth about innovation: good…
Marketing tips, Writing tips My favorite quote about creating content by Mark Schaefer https://businessesgrow.com/2021/11/03/quote-about-creating-content/