Writing tips Tapping the Well Much inspiration will come from your observations of the life that goes on all around you. But openness to life in general isn’t usually what causes you to shiver and…
Writing tips Find a Character Find a character, like yourself, who will want something or not want something with all his heart. Give him running orders. Shoot him off. Then follow as fast as you…
Writing tips Better the Devil You Know: Rough Drafts - by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew https://writersblock.loft.org/2010/10/15/739/friday_writing_tip_better_the_devil_you_know_revising_prose
Uncategorized The Writer’s Journey - by Charlotte Chinn When words collide onto my paper and I step back in awe as I look at the sentences that quickly form paragraphs it is then…
Uncategorized Writing From The Heart - by Louise Ragin Writing for me is another form of expressing my emotions, my faith, my thoughts, challenges, accomplishments, aspirations, and my being. I am generally a…
Uncategorized The Nudge of the Muse - by Donique McIntosh I tend to write when I feel moved by something I’ve seen or heard. In other words, I write when I’ve found my muse or…
Uncategorized Inspired to Un-inspire – by Carol Lynn Patterson How Writing Helped One Man Set His Sights on Reversing the Devastating Effects of the Streets Ralph Burgess’ story could have ended like so many reported tales of wasted…
Writing tips Stay Healthy Prayer and other spiritual disciplines can help creativity simply because they are helping the interior life stay healthy. - from "The Soul Tells a Story: Engaging Creativity with Spirituality in…
Publishing tips An Interview with Acquiring Editors – Part 3 - by Angela Scheff What's your biggest hurdle in publishing the projects you love? SMITH: Tastes are subjective, so while a particular book might be a passion project…
Writing tips The Final Mystery and the Final Power of Words IF LITERATURE IS a metaphor for the writer's experience, a mirror in which that experience is at least partially reflected, it is at the same time a mirror in which…
Uncategorized The Artist’s Date Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way offers a lot of good ideas for stimulating creativity. One of the most helpful for me is the artist’s date: once a week doing something…
Writing tips Why does God want me to write? - by Chioma Oparadike How would you define your writing? Would you describe it as a compilation of words that allow you tell a story or record a series of…
Writing tips What We Read For many writers what we do not read when we are writing can be as important as what we do read. What I absolutely do not read when starting…
Writing tips “Selfie” Writing - by Leona Choy I've never taken a “selfie” picture with my smart phone camera. One of my grandsons showed me how easily it's done, but it just isn't…
Marketing tips, Writing tips Discovery is Half the Fun There will always be mystery in the creative process, and we would be disappointed if it became a science we could sketch out in detail. Discovery is half the fun.…
Uncategorized Writer: Creator or Scribe? - by Joshua Kalu Ephraim I am a writer. What does this mean? For everyone writes. School kids of age…
Writing tips “Open a Vein” by Frederick Buechner The following meditation is from a talk on the occasion of the presentation of the Whiting Writers' awards: I WISH THAT I had told my writing students to give some…
Writing tips The Healthy Creative Life The healthy creative life is an intentional life… • How intentional have I been about my creative development? • What options are open to me now? • What opportunities am…
Uncategorized Eternally Linked Creativity activates imagination, and imagination is one of our most valuable spiritual faculties. Every aspect of the spiritual life requires some imagination. When you make a leap of faith, you…
Publishing tips Chris Ferebee: “How to Prepare a Non-fiction Book Proposal” • Chris represents Rob Bell, Shauna Niequist, Jonathan Merritt, and many other popular authors. His clients include several New York Times bestselling authors, winners of various Religion Newswriters Association awards,…