Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Low trust is the greatest cost in life and in organizations Low trust causes friction, whether it is caused by unethical behavior or by ethical but incompetent behavior (because even good intentions can never take the place of bad judgment). Low…
Uncategorized Remembering Frederick Buechner, 1926-2022 by Martin Dotterweich
Uncategorized In Both Life and Books, Empower Yourself by David Morris
Writing tips What You Can Learn from Other Spirituality Writers The first thing you learn from other spirituality writers is that there is no formula that works for everybody. Spirituality writers are effective at what they do when they tap…
Marketing tips Always make an outline before you start writing? Isn’t that what your fifth-grade teacher told you? Well, I’m sorry to break this to you, but Miss Whitebread was wrong. This is one of those “stupid things we were…
Uncategorized The business case for personal branding in one photograph by Mark Schaefer
Marketing tips Creating a sonic boom An idea catches on when a number of powerful social media accounts all post about it at the same time. This creates what I’ve called a “sonic boom” in my…
Uncategorized Dear Mr. Buechner Please enjoy this wonderful letter to Frederick Buechner from award-winning author Kathleen Long Bostrom
Writing tips Precision Precision is difficult to achieve. Imprecision is easier. Imprecision is available in a wide variety of attractive and user-friendly forms: cliches, abstractions and generalizations, jargon, passive construction, hyperbole, sentimentality, and…
Uncategorized “To lend to each other a hand when we’re falling…Perhaps that’s the only work that matters in the end” During the writing of the novel Godric, the most beloved and acclaimed of Fred’s books, Fred’s own life was in that particularly dark place as his family helped his daughter…
Uncategorized The uniquely powerful spiritual potential of childhood and adolescence The growing body of literature in this emerging field at the intersection of science and spirit offers an unprecedented view into the uniquely powerful spiritual potential of childhood and adolescence.…
Uncategorized Is there a renaissance ahead for organic social media? by Mark Schaefer
Marketing tips, Publishing tips, Writing tips Your Elevator Pitch Once people know that you’ve written a book, you’ll get asked a million times, “Hey, what’s your book about?” Most who ask this are only half-heartedly interested so you have…
Uncategorized Kathleen Norris – Intro Reading Guide from the Englewood Review of Books
Uncategorized No matter how many lies their candidate told Fast forward nine years and a majority of white Christians lined up to support someone more crude and short-sighted than Mr. Tancredo. No matter how many lies their candidate told,…
Uncategorized Book Bans? My School Doesn’t Even Have a Library How underfunding is its own form of censorship
Uncategorized I’m Not OK; You’re Not OK Over the last twenty years, most of my work as a pastor and now therapist has been with teenagers and their families. From majority white middle- and upper-middle-class churches and…
Marketing tips, Writing tips There is nothing to join, only something to recognize, suffer, and enjoy as a participant All we can give back and all God wants from any of us is to humbly and proudly return the product that we have been given - which is ourselves!…
Uncategorized For those of you struggling with “personal branding” from @markwschaefer
Uncategorized Do You Have an Audience or Just a Mailing List? by David duChemin